Sunday, 5 January 2014

Welcome aboard, ye salty dogs...

As some of you may know, Durham region (Thats Durham Region ONTARIO, not UK) has been on the rise with a flourishing Warmachine and Hordes community. The problem is that nobody talks, and nobody walks. the pockets of people that play tend to be small and exclusive. 

One night, over several rounds of Somersby at Riley's Pub in Oshawa, a number of us decided it was time to take the exclusivity out of the hobby and make it more communal. It began with the establishment of the Durham Meat and Metal Facebook Page (which is generally admin'ed by myself and a handful of others). Since the facebook page went live, we now boast a membership of 19 like minded folks who play a variety of factions. I, myself play primarily Skorne and Mercs. I also have a Legion of Everblight Starter army with Ogrun Spears and my hope of starting a Cygnar army was recently realized when I finally found the starter, and also bought Arlen Strangewayes and Commander Adept Nemo (P-Nemo). 

So this is what we're doing here... We're starting shit. We're bringing the game to the internet and getting you to get excited; we're here to get you thinking, tinkering and tweaking. We're here to give you ideas and to get ideas from you. As this blog starts to roll forward, other members may begin to add to this page, giving painting tips, tactica, battle reports, and even fan fiction, because...well, lets be honest, those who play this game really really get into it. Hell, even I've written a short Magnus the Warlord fiction where he has teamed up with Lord Tyrant Hexeris taking on a poor hapless Journeyman Warcaster working for Cygnar, which takes place just after the wrap-up of the Convergence of Cyriss reveal. 

So, with all of that being said, and so much more yet to say, bring your interests, questions and thoughts. if you want in on this community, all you need to do is visit Meat and Metal Durham Region. The only prerequisites are to be interested in the games and not to be a dick. Otherwise, you'll fit in just fine!

- Shawn