So, its been an interesting time since my last post. I tried to use a different medium for a time which dissipated like a fart in the wind, so im back to using ol'' reliable: Blogger.
I did a re-read of some of my last posts and it has been many months since my last post and there has been a great deal happening around the meta. We've had a few snags offset by really cool moments and changes.
A) The Meat and Metal group facebook name has been changed to "Durham Region Ontario Warmachine and Hordes" due to a change in our meta, highlited in"B". The point is to ensure that we are an official group rather than a bunch of people with some "Group name". This has created a sense of authenticity. While, internally, we are the Meat and Metal group of Durham, the DROWoH moniker seems more...legit...
B) Durham region now has a Press Ganger, and you're currently reading his Meta blog. In September, I was officially inducted into the Press Gang for PP. (For those not in the know, a Press Ganger is the official volunteer representative of Privateer Press. the position generally means that I can run Privateer Press events under the sanction of PP directly, and serve as a sort of focal point between Privateer Press and the meta of my region.) So far, as a PG, Not much has happened as my PG status came in just at the cusp of the start of my busy season, which came in handy for both Phantasm, and the Exigence release event. (I'll have a separate entry for Phantasm a little later. If any locals are reading this, Phantasm is definitely worth checking out...). But the 2015 year holds a LOT of promise...
C) Holy hell have I done a lot of painting...and have gotten much better for it. I had to pass up a weekend course with Meg Maples because I couldn't afford it nor could I get the time off work, but I did manage to have a few brief conversations with her online and got some good tips for priming and basing. If any of you get the chance, check out her Arcane Paintworks Blog and gallery. she's damned good. It's no wonder PP picked her up for her mad skillz. Shes quite easy to talk to, and doesn't mind talking shop if shes not busy. Some of my headline projects this year have been Tyrant Zaadesh from the Exigence release; My Cygnar battlebox jacks; the two Khador Heavies from the starter box (Juggernaut and Destroyer); Most of my Four Star Battlebox (With Magnus); and most recently, my entry for the Press Gang Secret Santa, Thrullg. Also, over the years that i have been doing phantasm, I have had some support from some great people, and for their help, I have offered to paint minis as a thanks. This year, I have opted to do a battle box for my friends Circle of Orboros army, and have further offered to help her paint the rest of her army to build up my portfolio (I mean, its not like I don't have models...HAH!). Its fallen a bit on the backburner, but with the start of 2015, I aim to pick it back up and hopefully have the BB done by end of january to mid February. Some of my work will likely get posted in the next few days as I try to play pick up with some of the articles I've been meaning to write over the past few months. I've gotten far enough in my painting to start offering a bit of commission work to help pay for this crack addiction that is Miniature war gaming.
Most interestingly, though, is the stepping up of our game. Recently I was asked to participate in the Ontario Team Championships by some friends in my meta. Never having really participated in a large tournament like this, I am, understandably, in a combined state of panic and delight. I'm primarily excited because I'll finally get to shake hands with some of my fellow Press Gangers who have been around for years. there's a lot of experience to draw upon, and some new friends to be made, and for that I am absolutely excited, and looking forward to really jumping into the pool that is this community. Now I just have to play like I know the game...HAH! I've spent so much time organizing lately that I haven't played in months. its taken me forever to generate my lists for the tournament, but I think I'll be ready at least enough to know my game and hopefully score a few wins. I'm also going to try and get some time in working at the Southern Ontario Open, one of the biggest tournaments in Ontario, and usually the priming grounds for the Masters and the World Champion Circuit. That is sure to be one hell of an experience, and one I can't wait for.
And so as I've been bantering about the bigger news, time to retract and discuss the more domestic.I am aiming to host a few hobby nights this month to kind of reacquaint others with the hobby, and drum up some interest. If all works out, then this will hopefully be the lead in for the first Journeyman league this coming February. I just need to clear it with the store.If I time it right, the journeyman will link right into the 2015 league story arc and allow players to jump right into league play, and roll each other out on the tarmac. From there, hopefully, we'll get some new players and some interesting new meta opportunities...and from there..who knows?
I am more than sure that 2015 will yield some amazing opportunities. The real question is to you: Are you going to sit on the sidelines, or are you going to carve your name into the plaque of challengers?
Hoep to see you there ;)
- Shawn aka PG_Keldin
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