My word... Its been a few weeks since my last article in the Road to War series. So, last time I discussed my list and my intents for each, and the perceived strengths and weaknesses of the lists. This time around I wanted to talk about some of the developments in using those lists, and talk a bit more about how we've been developing as a team in preparation for the OTC tournament.
Prepare for Combat!
So, we've been running our lists as tirelessly as we can based on our availability. I've been freeing up my Thursday nights for game play with the team, and so far its been moderately successful. Two of our team mates have been out regularly, with the other ones understandably busy with important matters such as family, work, etc., so we make do on our Thursday rows. We've only been playing each other and a handful of folks in our regular meta, so we haven't had a lot of experience, but the experience that we have been getting has been pretty good, and a lot of fun. This is the most amount of time I've committed to the use of any single caster over the past few months, so its interesting actually developing a strategy with a caster you're building tenure with. The Xerxis Fist of Halaak tier is kind of self explanatory but still needs work just to get the "feel" for it, but so far I haven't lost a game with it. So as we plug along, it's been cool watching the strategy unfold as we play.
What has been a question since we've started practising, is what are we going there for? Are we going there to carve names into our bats, or are we there to have a good time, meet new people. etc? Initially, with this being my first tournament, I was keen on the first impression and kicking some ass. But as we got further down the rabbit hole, I've realised that we don't necessarily have the mindset to be a competitive force. We don't have the resources to be constantly challenged with new armies, as we have a smaller meta and we like the lists we have. There's nothing particularly wrong with that, because we're all casual gamers, but as we have been gearing up, I think some of us have it in our heads that we're going to really beat down our opposition. As I've carried on, I've realized that this is less an opportunity for me specifically, to get some beats down, but rather to meet some of the folks in our wider-reaching Ontario Provincial Meta. Folks that have been rolling out for a while and have a larger group of people and better resources to support the hobby. My game has lightened up since realizing this, and while I have every intention to play a good game, It's all about meeting our boys and girls holding down the western front. I think the guys have come to this realization as well. I've noticed that our practice games have taken more of a Beermachine feel and less a grueling knuckle dragging brute force to win sort of vibe. The tournament is only a few weeks away, so I think now the focus is more about just figuring out the mechanics of our own lists and let the games play themselves.
I know, its not a very exciting entry, but the middle volume of every trilogy is a little dry....
- S
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